Theme: Caviste’s Best Selling Wines
We return to The Raven on 8th September! And I’m deleted to tell you that our evening will be presented by Mark Bedford, owner of local merchant Caviste. Mark has has been a loyal supporter of our Society for many years, so it is very appropriate that he should lead our first evening tasting for some time.
Mark will present a selection of the current best selling wines at Caviste, so there will be something for everyone!
How to book your places
Bookings are now open. Members have priority until Wednesday 1st September, thereafter bookings are open to both members and guests.
Firstly, please check with Clive that places are still available. You can book through Clive by e-mail to
As soon as Clive has confirmed you have places reserved, please confirm your booking by making payment of £15 members / £18 guests to the Society account in the usual way.
As we are now cash free, if you wish to be entered to the raffle, please add an extra £3 to your electronic payment. We will not be collecting raffle monies on the night.
Account Name: Whitewater WineSoc
Sort Code: 30-91-31
Account Number: 01158564
Please enter a contact phone number to the reference field, just in case we’re not sure who the payment has come from!