Upcoming Events

Upcoming Tastings


The Whitewater Valley Wine Society strives to provide an interesting and enjoyable programme of tastings and special events. Full details will appear in the monthly newsletter.

Details of our future events are shown below (all at 8pm unless stated).

Sunday 14th August – Summer event.  Visit to Hattingley winery.  This event is now full.  Click here for more details

Wednesday 14th September 2016:  Neil Courtier, Grape Sense – Chile.   Click here for more details

Wednesday 12th October 2016:  Mark Bedford, Caviste – From Winemaker to Wine Merchant to Wine Consumer

Friday 28th October 2016:  Fine Wine Evening – Simon Taylor, Stone Vine & Sun.  Click here for more details

Wednesday 9th November 2016:  Duncan Ross, Berkmann Wine Cellars – Argentina

Wednesday 14th December 2016:  Christmas tasting

Wednesday 11th January 2017:  Tim Syrad, Tim Syrad Wines – Sicily

Wednesday 8th February 2017:  Keith Cooper & Jim King – new world selection

Wednesday 8th March 2017:  Tim North, Joie du Vin – Loire

Friday 7th April 2017:  The Society’s 30th Anniversary Dinner, more details nearer the time

Wednesday 12th April 2017:  To be advised

Wednesday 10th May 2017:  Simon Hawkins, Hawkins Bros Fine English Wines – England

Guests can book for our regular Wednesday evening tastings from the Sunday immediately prior to the tasting. However, if you are visiting the Society for the first time, then you can book during the 10 days immediately prior to the tasting.

Bookings for special events usually open some months ahead – see details against each event.