We have many wine enthusiasts within our Society and it’s always good to taste wines which are recommended by them. That’s why this month we will open the floor to eight of our members, who will each introduce a wine of their choice.
Our volunteers put lots effort into selecting their chosen wine. These evenings are hugely popular with our members, so you won’t want to miss it.
This tasting will be preceded by a brief AGM, lasting about 15 minutes.
How to book your places
Booking for members opens on Thursday 30th January. Guest bookings open on Thursday 6th February. Please do not try to book or pay any money before these dates.
Firstly, please check with Clive that places are still available. You can book through Clive by e-mail to
As soon as Clive has confirmed you have places reserved, please confirm your booking by making payment of £20 members / £24 guests to the Society account in the usual way.
Account Name: Whitewater WineSoc
Sort Code: 30-91-31
Account Number: 01158564
Please enter a contact phone number to the reference field, just in case we’re not sure who the payment has come from!